Start 2025 with 1 FREE month of Internet Marketing!
Applies to SEO, Google Ads or Facebook
Ready to bring in more clients? Now, with a new or additional internet marketing campaign, you’ll receive 1 FREE month with your order.
*Limited to first 10 orders. New orders only. Valid only on Regional SEO, Google AdWords PPC Campaigns, Facebook Ad Campaigns, and Retargeting Campaigns. Excludes any amounts paid directly to Google, Facebook or other display networks. Credit not to exceed $600. Free month to be credited on the 3rd month of the campaign.
Help your clients and prospects FIND YOU online!
Just having a presence on the web is not enough. You need cost-effective SEO and internet marking to compete in today’s marketplace. American Creative can provide small business SEO services and help your business appear in top search listings on Google and other major search engines. This targeted traffic-building program, utilizing organic SEO services, is GUARANTEED to deliver results.
Where do I start?
We start by doing a free analysis of your current website and online rankings. From there, we begin our SEO process and determine the work necessary, plus the keywords and phrases needed to bring your business to the front page of Google.
We’ll make adjustments to your current website for (onpage seo), making it as ‘search engine friendly’ as possible for the keywords and phrases we’re targeting. We’ll fix any errors that may be preventing rankings and make changes to your content to help boost your position.
Our team also generates hundreds of external links back to your site (offpage seo), and writes and submits press releases to online publications, making your site even more relevant with the search engines.
As we move forward, you’ll begin to see your ranking improve. You will be receiving monthly reports, so you can easily see the progress over a 6-month period. After several months, we are confident you’ll see listings on the first page of Google and are willing to stand behind this.
Social Networking jump start: We’ll also setup new Facebook, and LinkedIn pages for your business if you don’t already have them. In addition to helping the SEO efforts, it’s a great start to begin building your social network with business acquaintances and clients.