Music on hold (MOH) is a business advertising method that enables callers who you cannot serve to listen to music as they wait to be served. This is an effective advertising tool because callers will stay on the call a lot longer than if there was silence while waiting. You could have a jingle that promotes your company and your products/services and you could include a call to action in the music.
The music for hold could come from various MOH sources including stock MOH music and CD’s. The music could also be custom-designed MOH or online on hold. You need to buy a music on hold player for this.
It is important that you scrutinize the music on hold player before making a purchase to ensure that it will serve your purpose and that it is genuine. Only buy a player with a warranty to ensure you get quality. Ensure that the player is compatible with the rest of your systems before making a purchase, paying particular attention to the phone connection port. Go for a player that supports different types of MOH sources to save money. The music on hold player you go for should combine a MOH messaging system, a MOH output port, MOH for VoIP phone systems, a IP message on hold system, a digital announcer, and a telephone digital message on hold player, among others. Today’s units even allow you to download music and programs from the Internet and to import your program or music through USB flash drives. You should however, not let cost considerations blind you when making the choice.
Read independent reviews before buying a phone messages player. Reviews give you the pros and the cons of different music for hold players and they detail their features and their costs, making your choice easier. Go for reviews instead of ads because reviews are independently written by people who have used the telephone on hold music players. You could get independent reviews from tech magazines and other publications, from online discussion forums, from online review sites, and from recommendations by friends or relatives. You should also consider complaints with consumer protection agencies.
You could get your music on hold player from the manufacturer’s outlet or their authorized dealership, from an electronics shop, or from the message on hold provider. This option is advantageous in that they will support the telephone on hold music players and you get to ensure your program is produced with the player in mind. The Internet is however, a good option since you get to compare a lot more options, you get lower prices, and you get to shop anonymously and conveniently, but will not always have the support of your on-hold production company.