Call on Hold Music | Messages on Hold | Music on Hold | Phone on Hold

Call on Hold Music: 3 Types of Information People Are Interested In Finding While On Hold


Call on hold music? When was the last time you heard messages on hold? It probably wasn’t so long ago. Unlike music on hold, messages on hold are believed to be much more practical – and this is thought by both companies and consumers.

But have you ever wondered about the kind of information listeners are interested in while they are on hold? Here are 3 ideas which can help you write the copy of your message:

1.       People want to know what is happening

When the phone rings and nobody answers on the other side, people will want to know why. So write an introductory text and explain that your lines are currently busy. A great tip is to program the robot (if you can) to tell people what position they are in.

2.       People want to know what is taking so long

One thing people don’t have nowadays is patience. So let them know that you value each client immensely and this is why you are spending as much time as needed with them on the phone on hold. Remind those who are on hold that they too will appreciate when you will take your time to solve their problems, knowing that other people are waiting in line.

3.       People want to be given alternative solutions

It happens often that someone calls looking for a particular service, but they call at the wrong number. So while they are on hold you can tell them things such as:

          “For service [x] please call …”

          “If you came here looking for [x] please wait until someone will answer”

“Our working hours are […]. Please make sure you call within this timeframe”

American Creative